I want to share one of my iPhone wallpapers with you all because I think it’s important. We’ve discussed identity, and my identity carries with me regardless of where I go. I live and breathe my identity in the sense that it is who I am beyond a social media persona and the way I act to friends or even family. I am motivated, I pursue greatness, and I like to influence those around me. “Set goals” “Demolish them.” That’s what I preach. When we have things we have to do, or pinnacle’s we have not yet reached, then pursue them, and obliterate them to the point where you’ve ascended so high you couldn’t believe that was ever once a goal. Make it the norm.
One more thought on identity: you can be whoever you want to be. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Too often we hear the expression “when you set you’re mind to it” …no. Don’t set your mind to it, do it. Get it done. The only person stopping you is you. Headbands for Hope wasn’t handed to Jessica Ekstrom, she went out and did it. She embodied the spirit of helping others in need and got it done. Now it’s our job to help in any way we can. With that in mind, get to the Bookstore and buy a headband! HOH is about to beĀ featured in the Bookstore. Now THAT is awesome. I’ll keep you all posted on that. Big things coming with HOH. Keep it locked.
Now, onto another topic I think is important: Fountain Dining hall. Hopefully, we can start a movement, because Fountain dining hall is UNDERRATED. My understanding is that people shy away from Fountain because “it sucks.” Alright, I went once, I thought it sucked too. Not even going to lie, but then, I was talked into going again, and not only did it NOT SUCK, it was AWESOME. Now I don’t throw around awesome very often, but consider this: when you buy food from Chick-fil-A, or whatever individual place you buy it from (my college choice was sushi – and yeah, college was from 2007-2011, as in, 2 years ago..), you get a finite, set amount of food. Fountain? You get AS MUCH AS YOU WANT. Now to a gym-going EATER like me, this is a MAJOR bonus. THAT BEING SAID, did you all know that Fountain’s deli section is high-quality (like Boar’s Head) meat? Me either. But that’s awesome. The quality of the food, overall, is excellent. Sure, there are some crappy options, but if you don’t like it, COMPOSTE it, and grab another tray of as much of whatever as you want!

Check out Exhibit B…now THIS is a plate of food, a real plate of food, courtesy of Fountain. That’s how food is meant to be eaten, and you know what? I’m headed to the gym tonight to work it off! But don’t worry, it was DELICIOUS, and it’s economical. You know how much this would cost at a restaurant (and we get UNLIMITED AMOUNTS OF IT) or at a vendor? Exactly.
Alright, so lesson of the day, go eat at Fountain. It’s good, it’s cheap, period. When you’re done eating at Fountain, go to the Bookstore and buy something. Preferably a headband. Great cause, and we like causes!