What was your job as a student?
I was a sort of “Stock Clerk” for Ohio State University’s student center bar. I liked that job because the people were cool and I got to hang out in the Student Center. My least favorite part was cleaning out the coolers because of the “old beer” smell and all of the broken glass.
What did you study in college?
In undergrad, I studied Math Education to become a high school math teacher. In graduate school I got my Masters in Higher Education Administration.
Why do you like your job?
I like that it is not a boring 9-5 job. Every day is different and there are always new challenges. I like being able to work at a place where opinions are valued. I feel comfortable in my ability to do well at my job and that I am given the autonomy and trust to do it. I also really enjoy the daily interaction with professional and student staff. They are all good people and very smart.
If you were a Howling Cow Ice Cream flavor what flavor would you be and why?
Wolf Tracks because I’ve found myself in a relatively short period of time embedded into the Wolfpack family, even though I was not born and raised in NC. I’m ready to blaze my own authentic wolf tracks. 🙂