What was your job while you were a student?
I had a lot of jobs as a student, but my most memorable one was cleaning the rat cages for the rats that were used in psychology experiments. The lab where they lived was in the basement and a little creepy, so I used to sing to myself while I cleaned the cages to keep myself in a cheerful mood.
All my student jobs taught me that it’s important to do a good job, even when you’re doing something (like cleaning up after rats) that you never intend to keep doing in the future. It’s important because you’re building professional references and experience that may be useful in your career later. I also worked in a music library during college, and that experience helped me land my first full-time position after graduating.
What did you study in college?
I was a psychology major and an (almost) music minor. I ended up being one class short of my minor.
Now I’m working on a Master’s Degree in Adult Education here at NC State.
Why do you like your job?
I love the energy of working on a college campus around so many bright, passionate, and fun students. I also really like that I get a lot of flexibility in my job to think about what is going to support the success of our student employees, and then go do it! I am trusted to try new things and explore new ideas, so that’s very rewarding.
If you were a Howling Cow Ice Cream flavor what flavor would you be and why?
I’ll go with Cookie Dough because I’m sweet, but sometimes a little unbaked!