January 2020
Olivia Bennett
Student Employee, Campus Enterprises Administration

Olivia’s Nomination:
“Olivia has been with Campus Enterprises HR for a little over a year and was given routine tasks that students typically perform. In a short time, it became apparent that Olivia had skills above and beyond the routine tasks. She assists with analyzing data and presents the data in easy to read graphs and chats. We have been able to use the data to make improvements in the department. Olivia graduates in May, and she will be sorely missed. She has raised the bar of expectations for the next student employees. Thanks for all you do Olivia.”
Thandar Oo
Temporary Employee, The Atrium

Thandar’s Nomination:
“Thandar comes to work every day with a smile on her face. She carries her positive spirit throughout the shift while brightening up everyone else’s day. She always tackles the rushes and offers to help others even when she has a full plate of her own. Thandar is a strong team player and an integral component to the overall success and positive culture within the Atrium and NC State Dining as a whole.”
Ihab Nasrallah
Permanent Employee, Fountain Dining Hall

Ihab’s Nomination:
“Ihab is always doing the right thing even when nobody’s watching. At the end of every night shift, he is in the kitchen completing tasks to make sure the morning staff is left with a cleaned and prepared kitchen. Many of these tasks do not fall in his job description, but he makes sure they are completed for the betterment of the entire kitchen and staff. Ihab never looks for compliments or praises for his work; he just gets the job done.”