February 2022
Miles Eckman
Temp Employee, Atrium Food Court

Miles’s Nomination
“Miles goes above and beyond when it comes to his job and helping others! There have been multiple times where we are short in a unit and he offers to send one of his student employees over to another unit to help. Miles has no problem with helping in other units as well. When we are short-staffed in the dining area he goes out of his way to help out our dining attendant throw away trash and wipe tables. He takes it upon himself to check in before he goes to see if I need him to help in any other area. Miles has been a pleasure to work with!”
Autumn Newkirk

Student Employee, Clark Dining Hall
Autumn’s Nomination
“She always comes to work with a bright smile and an awesome attitude. She can lift heavy trays, grill burgers, and other things that she never imagined she would learn when she came to NC State. But hey, she loves it and it is an awesome experience. As her co-worker, I respect her energy, and she influences people around her with that positivity too! We need more workers like Autumn!”
Alfreda Williams
Permanent Employee, Talley Market

Alfreda’s Nomination:
“Freda worked many hours to make the Valentine’s Promotion a successful one. The online website sold over 600 orders. She coordinated the pick ups by day and name of recipient, how many cupcakes and cookies needed to be produced, and answered many questions from parents daily. She worked long hours throughout the weekend and Monday 2/14 to ensure all guests were satisfied. On top of pick- ups on Saturday, February 12, we had Experience NC State Day. That was an experience, but all employees gave their extra effort to satisfy both groups. I thank Freda for her extra effort. The effort does not go unnoticed.”