September 2023
Hillary Higgins
Permanent Employee, Starbucks
Hillary’s Nomination:
“Hillary is a bright spot in everyone’s day. She continues to get customer comments like the following:
‘Hillary wasn’t there and I miss her.’
‘Hillary is the best and deserves a raise… an absolute icon… Disney Queen energy.’
‘Hillary is the GOAT.’
‘Hillary made my day! Everything was made perfectly but I ordered it wrong on accident and she fixed it for me anyway!'”
Tim Bynum
Temporary Employee, Union 51 Burgers
Tim’s Nomination:
“Cheerful person, always proactive to work, and creates a positive environment for all at Union 51 Burgers.”
Himesh Kafle
Student Employee, Clark Dining Hall
Himesh’s Nomination:
“As the cashier at Clark he stays engaged with the guests. He has learned countless names, never misses a hi and bye as people come and go. He is always positive and calm even when a difficult situation arises, as it did this morning. He let the guests know it would be an extra minute or two, but he would get them taken care of.”