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Bookstore Confidential: Volume Seven

Alex talks to Rachel Gonsalves about what it’s like to be an incoming freshman, being environmentally conscious as a student, Laptop Insanity, Price Comparison, and...

Bookstore Confidential: Volume Six

Earth Day is here! Alex talks to Carolina Hansley about the events coming up for the week!

Bookstore Confidential: Volume Five

Alex talks with Heather Troutman about cost effective conservation and the state of NC State!

Bookstore Confidential: Volume One

Alex sits down with Jessica Ekstrom to discuss Headbands of Hope, the company she started to raise money for childhood cancer research.

The comfort zone

Today I wanted to talk a little about professional development and how important it is for people to continue to grow in their career. I...

Change for the better

For those of you who haven’t heard of the One Change campaign that NC State Dining has started, you should look into it. This is...