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Meet Heather, Olivia and Deloris

Heather Colter Student EmployeeBragaw C-Store Heather’s Nomination: “Heather has a stellar work ethic that shows in her willingness to go above and beyond with no...

Meet Brian Green, Director of Golf Course Maintenance

What was your job while you were a student? I had a job at Duke University's golf course. This job was my first in the golf industry and helped me get started with a career in the industry.

Meet Randy Lait, Senior Director of Hospitality Services

What was your job while you were a student? I've been working with Dining at NC State for many years. First I started off with watching the money that was picked up from different units around campus.

Meet Tim Hogan, Director of Student Centers

What was your job as a student? I was a sort of "Stock Clerk" for Ohio State University's student center bar. I liked that job because the people were cool and I got to hang out in the Student Center.

Meet Brandon and Reggie

Brandon Lett Temp EmployeeWolfpack Outfitters Brandon’s Nomination: “Brandon’s attentiveness to customer’s needs has built a large following of repeat business for the department, with people...

Meet Anna, Vonda and Debra

Anna Shubel Student EmployeeStudent Centers Anna’s Nomination:“I was gifted with the opportunity to witness an interaction between Anna and one of our facilities maintenance crew...

Meet Sabrina, Genet and Renee

Sabrina Spencer Student EmployeeCE Student Employee Ambassador Sabrina’s Nomination:“Sabrina has been fantastic as a CE Student Employee Ambassador. She is always willing to help out...