By Annaka SikkinkWhat was your job while you were a student?
I had a lot of jobs as a student, but my most memorable one was cleaning the rat cages for the rats that were used in psychology experiments. |Who's Who
By Annaka SikkinkWhat was your job while you were a student?
I was a lifeguard at the pool in the gym and also a writer for the Technician during Jimmy V’s time as head basketball coach here. |Who's Who
By Annaka SikkinkWhat was your job while you were a student?
I had a job at Duke University's golf course. This job was my first in the golf industry and helped me get started with a career in the industry. |Who's Who
By Annaka SikkinkWhat was your job while you were a student?
I've been working with Dining at NC State for many years. First I started off with watching the money that was picked up from different units around campus. |Who's Who
By Annaka SikkinkWhat was your job as a student?
I was a sort of "Stock Clerk" for Ohio State University's student center bar. I liked that job because the people were cool and I got to hang out in the Student Center.