The Secret Sale Has Concluded!


We just finished up the Hoodie and Crew Secret Sale, and it was overall AWESOME. I want to keep these deals coming in your direction, so keep me posted with some things you’d like to see on sale. That being said, we had a great turnout, and everything went so well we’re going to do it again soon! This makes me extremely happy because I want the Bookstore to be in the best position to bring you all the best prices. Trust me, I graduated two years ago, I know how much it sucks to have to spend a ton of money on apparel to support your school. I know how expensive textbooks were/are, and I know the struggles that financially exist as being a student. I was there! I feel your pain! But now use me as your resource and your advocate as I bring further change, promotions, and events to and around the Bookstore.

Keep in mind, we raised money for scholarships, we continue to employ students, and funds were directed towards these things with the secret sale! It’s success like this that keeps the Bookstore as a University-owned subsidiary and not sold out to companies like Barnes and Noble. Keep the movement going!

As for things coming up, times are extremely exciting. I want to work directly with the students to facilitate change and a progression towards “better” and “more”. Never settle, everyone. Seriously. We can always be better. We can always do more. We can always affect one more person for the positive. And we will.


Check out the FIRST Bookstore Confidential Blog Entry here:

Here’s a picture of the Bookstore sale section! We had some excited students who were thrilled to show their support!