Interim Appraisals Due October 31


Interim appraisals should be completed for all SHRA staff by October 31. As always, the interim review should consist of an informal but private meeting with the employee, documentation of strengths and accomplishments, as well as areas that need improvement. If necessary, supervisors can also revise key responsibilities, expectations, or goals that were listed on the work plan. 
Supervisors now have the option to complete PAPERLESS REVIEWS. No hand-inked signatures, photocopying, emailing, or inter-officing required!

How paperless interims work:

  1. Access the word version of the interim appraisal. Upload this to Google Docs, and create a Google version of the form for each of your direct reports. 
  2. Type your comments, and then type your initials in the appropriate box.
  3. When (or after) you meet with the employee, share the document with them and with Liza Shelton. 
  4. Ask the employee to initial in the Google Doc (Google with track any edits made to the document)
  5. Pat yourself on the back, you’re done!

If you have questions about completing the interim reviews or need help with how to appropriately word feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact Liza