New enhancements in WolfTime


University HR is rolling out a number of new enhancements including a redesigned website, new functionality for the employee and supervisor weekly calendar views, more detailed information on comp time balances and revamped training resources.

Redesigned WolfTime Website

The WolfTime website has been redesigned to be more user-friendly. The site also now provides shorter and updated videos and training materials that are easier to find and simpler to use. Visit our new website.

New Detailed Weekly Calendar View for Nonexempt Employees and Managers

Thank you for your suggestions regarding enhancements to WolfTime. Based on your feedback, we’ve made the following changes to the weekly calendar view for both employees and supervisors:

  • You can now automatically calculate how many hours remain to meet your standard work-week total, eliminating any guesswork or manual calculations. In this view, weekly hours are rounded to the nearest quarter-hour based upon weekly totals. This creates a consistent campuswide process for reporting time.
  • It is easier to determine when your supervisor has not approved a submitted leave request or hours worked.
  • Help links have been added to define and clarify information displayed in the weekly calendar views.

New Detailed Comp Balance View for Nonexempt Employees

Employees who earn comp time can now see a detailed view of their various comp balances. Comp time is earned in several different categories. Previously, all the different categories of comp time were combined and displayed in Absence Balances as Total Comp Leave Available. With this enhancement, the Absence Balances page will clearly show the amount of comp time available in each category, such as comp time earned from overtime or from working on a holiday.

New Training Resources and Videos

We are using new technology to update all of our training videos to make them more informative, engaging and concise. To view all of our training resources and guides, visit our Wolftime user training page.

University HR is always looking for ways to improve our system, and your feedback is an invaluable part of that process. If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, please don’t hesitate to contact the WolfTime team at or visit our comment/suggestion page.