Customer Service!


Customer Service is an excellent skill that is highly valued at Campus Enterprises. I’m sure that you have heard about it your whole life! Well, here at Campus Enterprises it is so important to us that customer service and relations is included in our statement of purpose. During our employee orientation, we ask you to tell us about your own personal Customer Service goals. We’ve read them, and boy are they good!

Let’s check some out:

“My personal customer service goal in my new job is to practice being more proactive when working with clients and attaining their needs.”

This one is excellent! Customer service is sometimes thought about in passive ways, but here at Campus Enterprises this is not true. In order to practice the best form of customer service, the kind that we require you to have here at Campus Enterprises, you need to be active with your service for customers. If a customer is to the side of the store looking confused, go ask them if you could help them. If a customer is confused about meal periods and meal credits give them a quick run through. While you shouldn’t put off your main duties to seek out ways to help customers, but you should not ignore customers when they need help! Customer service can be hard, but just like this quote says: practice, practice, practice!

“I want to make guests feel valued and important, no matter what mood they’re in. If a customer is rude or having a bad day, they matter just as much as any other customer. My goal is to leave a smile on every customer’s face, whether they came in with one or not.”

If I had to describe this one in one word it would be: initiative! Raven Solomon, an NC State alumni gives career tips on her website, and she says that initiative is the best way to pursue that promotion. Here at Campus Enterprises, we love to see initiative, especially in the realm of customer service. This is where the above quote truly shines! When working at Campus Enterprises, you are engaging with so many different types of people. Some of these people will be very cordial and polite but others will not be so kind. Still, as an employee here you should be able to help all of the employees and maybe (like this quote suggest) but a smile on their faces!