Campus Enterprises staff members Annaka Sikkink and Keith Smith received a Campus Safety Award, presented by NC State’s Environmental Health and Safety Department and Eastman Chemical Company, for the best practices they have displayed towards cultivating a safe working environment within our department.

Sikkink and Smith were recognized at the Occupational Safety and Health Council meeting on Friday, October 28 where they received a plaque in recognition of their efforts and $1,000 contribution to Campus Enterprises for the advancement of safety practices.
According to their nomination, Sikkink, who is the division’s employee development and engagement coordinator and Smith, who is the director of residential dining for NC State Dining, helped move workplace safety into the forefront of the Campus Enterprises workplace. Smith, as chair of the Campus Enterprises safety committee, introduced a new safety inspection and safety self-inspection process for division supervisors and promoted hazard recognition and control among staff. Sikkink also targeted hazard recognition and worked to improve the department’s safety culture through safety training initiatives and job-specific safety training. She directed a series of hazard recognition training sessions for all Campus Enterprises staff.
“We were pleased to bring this recognition to our department as well as extra funds to support our safety training and promotion programs,” said Sikkink. “Our chancellor has stressed that prevention of employee accidents is a high priority to the university so I am glad we are promoting safety training and awareness in Campus Enterprises.”