Put the Spotlight on a Great Employee

The Campus Enterprises Spotlight, or CE Spotlight for short, is an employee recognition program unique to our department. It is open to all permanent, temporary and student employees, and anyone can make a nomination.
Winners receive a gift of their choice from Wolfpack Outfitters (up to $20) and are given a recognition pin to display on their uniform or work attire. Check out past winners below.
About the Spotlight
The program’s four key features are its ability to highlight positive behaviors that Campus Enterprises desires for other employees to emulate, tangibly reward employees, ensure employees that their supervisors and peers see and appreciate that employee’s contributions, and lastly, foster a “thank you” culture.
The program is open to all permanent, temporary, and student employees.
How It Works
- HR sends out monthly requests for nominations, but you can make your nomination any time.
- Nominate a staff member for any reason, big or small!
- Each month, three nominees from each employee group (student, temporary, and permanent) and different areas will be selected for the spotlight.
Spotlight Winners