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NC State Introduces New Campus ID Card Design

NC State is introducing a new design for its campus ID card. The new card will be issued to all new students and newly hired...

Developing Student Leaders in Campus Enterprises

Lexus Bivins, a senior in International Studies, found an opportunity to develop her leadership skills in a place she might not have expected: her on-campus...

Campus Enterprises Introduces Fast Feedback

Campus Enterprises, NC State’s retail and hospitality division, recently launched a new program to garner quick feedback its service and offerings. “We want to start...

NC State Campus Enterprises Adds Senior Director

The division of Campus Enterprises at NC State announces the addition of Rich Steele as its senior director for auxiliary services. Steele joins NC State...

Jeff Halliburton Named Director, NC State Bookstores

Jeff Halliburton has been named director of the NC State Bookstores, Campus Enterprises announced recently.  “We’re glad to have Jeff bring his skill set to...

Welcome to the Wolves’ Den

VET SCHOOL CAFE REOPENS WITH NEW LOOK, MENU AND NAME For decades, the Vet School Cafe has served the College of Veterinary Medicine. It closed...