Your Local Greens, a North Carolina based company, is the new supplier of lettuce for the salad bar at Fountain Dining Hall.

Keith Smith, director of board operations, looks forward to the future relationship with the new lettuce supplier and NC State dining.
“NC State Dining has decided to work with a company out of Burlington, NC called Your Local Greens to provide local lettuce for Fountain on a year-round basis,” he said, “Your Local Greens was selected because they use growing practices that allow them to provide a consistent sustainable product. It also allows us to increase our local purchases in an economical and sustainable way. Supporting local businesses is an important initiative for NC State Dining.”
This company provides fresher and more nutritious produce than supermarket alternatives because it is grown and harvested locally without the use of pesticides or chemicals. The company recognizes current environmental and societal challenges while working to provide sustainable produce and educating local communities.
Your Local Greens supports school nutrition programs and provides educational resources to the public to spread the word about protecting agricultural resources and the environment.

The company also provides employment opportunities for adults with autism/ DDI. The company included a quote on their website from Beth Butler J.D., the executive director of Disability: IN North Carolina.
“As a member of Disability: IN North Carolina, Your Local Greens is a company empowered to achieve disability equality and inclusion,” Bulter said, “At Your Local Greens innovation extends beyond sustainable food production and includes their corporate commitment to the full inclusion of individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities.”
For more information about Your Local Greens, please visit